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Club History


Serving The Communities of
Pollock Pines and Camino for over 76 Years



The first official meeting of the newly chartered Rotary Club of Pollock Pines was held at the Pollock Pines School on June 23, 1948, at 8:00 P.M. The meal was provided by the PTA. There were 19 charter members. John Roy, president 1950-1951, made this lectern. A charter member was John Drury, owner of the 50 Grand Restaurant.

The first order of business was to deal with the water issue. Specifically, the new BOD was asked to meet with the local government agency to address the quality of water for consumptive use in the Pollock Pines/Fresh Pond Utilities District. It is ironic that 63 years later, El Dorado County is still addressing much the same water issues.

For the past 65 years, the Pollock Pines/Camino Rotary Club has promoted the goal of Rotary “Service to the Community”. Some of the club service highlights of past years include the following:

1950-60 Annual Christmas Decorating Contest in Pollock Pines

First Annual Easter Egg hunt at Totem Pole Town (now the site of the Post Office)

Established a Girl Scout Camp at Ice House and built a bridge across Silver Creek to provide access.

Built a dance floor at the Fire Station

Built the first school bus shelter

Original sponsor of the Wagon Train and July 4th festivities

Construction of the Boy Scout Hut that is now the Senior Center

Held an Annual Christmas Tree Sale (300 plus trees/yr). That was when you could cut your trees in the National Forest.


1970s: Sponsored the local Brownie Troop

Built Bleachers at Forebay Field for Little League

Sponsored Girl Scout Troop 131

Constructed 24 benches for the county fairground

Sold the Scout Hut to Recreation Unlimited for $1.00

Easter Egg Hunt moved to Forebay Field

Started Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets for ALTA


Note: During a Rotary District Conference, the Pollock Pines Rotary Club pilfered the official District bell. The bell was returned with the understanding that the Governor would donate $50 to the Rotary Foundation in the club’s name. President Val Passetti, Vice-President John Nash, and Rotarian Charlie Parker were present at the time.


1980’s:  The club sponsored the first Pollock Pines School Spelling Bee.

 Sponsored Boy Scout Troop 164

Started weekly bingo fundraiser at Sportsman’s Hall.


1990s: Replaced dedication plaque at Sly Park Lake

Instituted Bill Piazza and Floyd Poole Memorial Scholarship Fund

Constructed the Welcome to Pollock Pines Sign

Instituted Career Day at El Dorado High School

Initiated (under President Jim Fletcher) the annual Walk Against Drugs

Held the First Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser at Camino Heights

Sponsored Youth Exchange Students to foreign countries

2000’s Funded replacement books for Pollock Pines School after closure of the middle school

Funded the local Boys and Girls scouts with Monte Carlo and Comedy Nights

Funded replacement band instruments and music supplies for Sierra Ridge School

Established an annual fall fundraiser “Evening in the Orchard” for school projects

Provided funding for repairs to the vandalized Camino School field

Funded supplies for the Science Department at Sierra Ridge School


2005 Established an annual free community “Breakfast with Santa”


2007 Established an annual Dictionary for Third Graders program

Sponsored our first RYLA student

Began new fundraiser Chili Cook-off held in June replaced in 2011 with the Bowl-A Thon in March


2012 Chartered Interact Clubs at Sierra Ridge Middle School AND Camino School



Support Our Club

For over 75 years, the Pollock Pines-Camino Rotary Club has
been granting scholarships to local youth.

Our club offers:
Educational, Vocational, and Special Program Scholarships.

Our ability to provide scholarships and support our community is dependent
on the generosity of our supporters like yourself.

Meeting Information
Come Join Us!
Pollock Pines-Camino
We meet In Person
Thursdays at 8:00 AM
Pollock Pines Or Camino, CA 95726
United States
First Thursday of the month is our breakfast meeting - 8:00 AM The Third Thursday of the month is our dinner social - 5:30 PM Please check our calendar for current for location For more information email ppcrotary@gmail.com